Parenting Tips

On Lying Part 1

© Victoria Todd

Lying is a complicated topic, so I will offer several tips in relation to it.  Now, pretend your son and his friend are playing basketball in the driveway.  When his friend hits at long range and proceeds to celebrate, your son gets angry and hurls the ball at him.  When you intervene, he insists he didn’t do what you just witnessed.  Now what? Read more →

On Lying Part 2

© Victoria Todd

We have all known children who tell untruths to try to wiggle their way out of trouble or manipulate others.  Most parents are adept at dealing with these situations.  But are there other reasons for lying?

Kyle is a 13 year old boy who has been telling everyone that is father is buying him an iPhone for his birthday.  Kyle’s mother learns about this and feels exasperated.  She has told her son over and over again that lying is wrong.  If he continues to do so, no one will believe a word he says.  But behavior is always a meaningful communication.  So what is Kyle really saying?

In truth, Kyle’s father hasn’t been in the picture for years.  The mother has tried to get him to pay child support to no avail.  And he certainly won’t be buying Kyle a birthday present.  That hasn’t happened in years!  Read more →